You Just Can Not Make This Up

This week Tampa Mayor Jane Castor was sworn in for her 2nd term. This reminded us about when Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn was 1st sworn in at the Tampa Convention Center in 2011. The room was packed with 100’s of people there. Then a choir started to sing in the back of the room. In single file they came a strutting, clamping hands, singing in the room. Then all of a sudden, we noticed a very tall guy in the choirs.  It was Drag Queen Wanda out of drag!!! As she walked past us Wanda put her finger over her mouth and said shuu don’t tell anyone. LMAO She really could sing too!!! A couple of years later Wanda was murdered in Tampa. They even made a TV show about the killing. But on that day, we saw a different side of Wanda, that many didn’t know about.