Dishing with Mark n Carrie, Happy Thanksgiving 11-20-20

Rachel Meadow and her partner Susan


Rachel Maddow reveals that her partner, Susan, tested positive for Covid-19 and is still recovering, and implores viewers to consider their loved ones when they calculate their own Covid-19 risk. Aired on 11/19/2020.

Norway bans hate speech against bisexuals and transgender people.

Norway just banned hate speech against bisexual and transgender people, expanding protections passed in 1981 to protect gay and lesbian people.

“I’m very relieved actually, because [the lack of legal protection] has been an eyesore for trans people for many, many years,” Birna Rorslett of the Association of Transgender People in Norway told Reuters.


Jamison B. Breadhouse Bakes

Order your Thanksgiving bread today at

Thanksgiving Eve at Bradley’s on 7th

Dashing in December

The Gay Cowboy Christmas Romance We Need

Dashing in December premieres Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. ET on the Paramount Network

Victorian Christmas Stroll

You know the Holidays are here when the “Victorian Christmas Stroll” starts! This annual event take place at the henry Plant Museum located at The University of Tampa.  This is a must do event for all ages. See You there!!!!

Lighting of the Centro Ybor Holiday Tree

New Must have APPS

The Sam’s Club have a new app. You take photos of the bar codes on your items. Then when ready pay with your credit card. Then walk right past the checkouts and go to the door.  They check a couple items and your good to go!

For all the DYI people. At the Home App you search for the items you need and it tells you the isle and bin location and the inventory. This app can be used from home. No more going to a store to find out they are sold out. You can also check inventory at different locations.