
Politics 2020

Growing up my Mom was a Democrat and Dad was a Republican. Both were very old school. You don’t talk politics or religion outside the home. Every election day Mom would announce that she did her part and voted against my Dad. That way she canceled out his vote!!! He might be the head of the house but she had a voice too. This became a running joke in our family for years. GO MOM!!! After Mom passed away, I was talking to Dad. He had just been voting. Proudly Dad said that for the very 1st time his vote counted because Mom didn’t vote to cancel him out!!! LOL LOL I told him to be careful Mom was still watching him LOL. The next time he voted Dad told me that he voted for Barack Obama. I asked him why did he voted for a Democrat? Dad said because your Mom would have wanted me to do the right thing. Dad passed before the next election.