You Just Can Not Make This Up

We had been staying at home for over 2 months. One day I thought Carrie should get out. We decided to take a trip to Home Depot. We wiped down the inside of the van like an ER operating room. At Home Depot I had Carrie in a mask and wearing gloves. We were social distancing and Carrie was like a kid in a candy store. Look at this! WOW Check this Out!! On and on.  Up to the check out, to a cute guy in a mask. Carrie starts to talk and can’t stop. How are you today? It’s a beautiful day. The store looks great etc. etc. etc…. Then Carrie actually says “So..What did you make for dinner last night?” I said to Carrie “REALLY!!! Stop talking and let this guy do his job”. The check out guy started to laugh and said “Don’t worry my boyfriend is the same way. They just want to talk & talk to anybody but us. Especially when they get out of the house.” On the way to the van we both started to laugh, remembering why we all love HOMO Depot so much!