You Just Can Not Make This Up

You Just Can Not Make This Up

Looks like this runs in our family. Below is a Facebook post from our Niece Niki.

I’m taking after my Uncles Mark Carrie with YOU JUST CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP with BEST Uber ride ever tonight! Here’s what happened. Got in the Uber and Rhonda found a cell phone. I checked to see if I could open it but it was locked. The home screen was a very attractive man without a shirt. He finally called his phone and when I answered I told him that he would have to take his shirt off to properly identify him. After all, we wouldn’t want this phone to get in the wrong abs, I mean hands. He then Face Timed me and took off his shirt. Once I counted all of his abs, we could be sure it was him. He thanked me for being so careful and properly IDing him. The Uber driver Jason then delivered him his phone after we were dropped off. Here is the pic of our FaceTime.