You Can Not Make This Up

When your young you sometimes do dumb things….  I was living in Minneapolis, MN. and had a Gay roommate we called Miss New York. Together we had a lady friend who was living in an abusive relationship. One day at happy hour we decided to put a stop to it and move her in with us. We waited until 12 midnight, after the boyfriend had gone to work. Walked the 5 blocks away to her nasty apartment. All she had was twin bed, dresser and clothes.  So, we took the bed out side put the dresser and clothes on it and started to push it down the street about 1AM. (At this time in Minneapolis when you were charge with public drunkenness, they put you in the drunk tank (a clinic for rehab) for 48 hours.) Just then we realized that we were in front of the drunk tank!!! OMG WTF!!! A guard came out and asked what were we doing? I don’t know to this day why but he let us go. Our lady friend lived with us for 4 months then got her own apartment in a nice building.