Trip Without a Passport

   One of the best things I love to do on my birthday is take a getaway vacation. Something new and may not be anything in my bucket list of things I want to do. Sometimes, it is a couple maybe places picked out of a hat and other times travel sites specials.
    This time Mark & I picked Puerto Rico. Mark had been there many times but I never had. We have so many friends from Puerto Rico so lets go! Plus Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory so no passport is required and a quick direct jet ride away.
    Friends John & Nancy Desmond made mention that if we went somewhere that they may like to go also. We combined minds and off we went. Planned and unplanned events included the May 1st uprising for the locals that were protesting the government to have a national audit for possible (wink Wink) corruption in the country. The small island country was essentially shut down by the people.
    We walked in a bare street historic city as protesters and police clashed. We saw many  hundreds of police but no people walking around in old San Juan on our 3.5 mile jaunt to the historic forts. How can one not want to go and further see explorer Christopher Columbus artifacts and trails from late 1400’s.
    Who knew that Puerto Rico was going into national direst and then into bankruptcy while we were there?
    We trenched the massive forts, walked the beautiful 3500 foot rainforest mountain- El Yunque Rain Forest that was so lush with over 220″ rain annually (and yes it was raining as we went to the top), Bacardi Rum Distillery Tour and  enjoyed great new exciting palate entrees at boutique eateries.
    Thank you all for your wonderful Birthday Wishes. It was a great getaway.