You Just Can Not Make This Up

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In 1980 when we moved to Tampa there was a popular Gay Bar called The Old Plantation. We all called it “OP” Yes I was young and naive back in those day. We were living next to USF. There was a 7-11 on the corner of Fowler Ave & 30th Street. There was a big hot muscle guy working there. He was wearing an OP muscle shirt… One time after cocktails at the OP on the way home we stopped for gas. I said to him “So I see that you like the OP. Do you go there for the Sunday T-Dance?”…   He had a look on his face like WTF???? Carrie poke me and said “OP is Ocean Pacific a line of shirts not Old Plantation Bar.” O well his loss. He would have had a lot of fun at the  Gay bar!!!!