Dishing with Mark and Carrie… Healing of Gay Orlando & America

Healing of Gay Orlando & America
    November 12th could not have come any sooner to the Orlando community. Hurricane Matthew traveling through Florida set Orlando’s Come Out with Pride back 1 month from the October 8th festival date.
    Yes, Orlando had a great emotional Pride event. Well managed, positioned, participation and execution. Hats off to Tampa & Tampa Pride’s Sister Pride organization in Orlando. The national media had their eyes focused on the Central Florida Festival for our nation to witness the honor, emotions and healing.  But, the tone was of personal gleeful cheer. yet a deep inner mourning that the local residents still hold onto because of the tragic night at Pulse Night Club. It was a closure that was honored by the 160,000+ attendees to share and behold with fellow residents spirits of gay Orlando. Huge national corporations participated in the weekend festival to show support to the LGBTA and Orlando community.
    The meaningless mass murder still affects the whole LGBTA world community but the epicenter city event was a closure that was needed more than mending and counseling by close friends. Tears were flowing and a large abundant hugs to strangers and friends was most evident. The overtone was high in energy. The day was beautiful 73 degrees. It was a spirited day of ways. Lake Eola festival area in downtown Orlando was packed yet things ran very smoothly like a moving train. Even Disney made smiles on the attendees. We now can look forward with the past remembered in our minds and hearts.
    Tampa Pride, GaYBOR District and Tampa Bay residents shown their utmost support and respect by the many vigils of over 10,000 local residents held in Tampa last June with all the communities government officials gladly wanting to come together and share in the tragic event.
    In the sight of the Pulse Night Club building are thousands of heartfelt notes, letters and tributes from around the world that are placed on the fence that surrounds the Pulse. Mementos left daily around the ghostly rainbow collaged property on South Orange Avenue. Flowers, notes, personal belongings just to honor those innocent close friends and victims lost.
    The city of Orlando just this past week purchased the Pulse Night Club property and will make a city memorial permanently displayed for worldwide visitors to honor our fallen Gay Brothers and Sisters.
    We honor and salute Orlando!