Dishing with Mark and Carrie 6-29-16

4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade
Monday July 4, 2016
The Sultans of Egypt Shrine will host a July 4th Parade starting at 6PM down 7th Ave in Ybor City.  There will also be a 4th of July party 4pm – 11pm at the Italian
Club in Ybor City.
With July 4th on Monday this year Sunday Night in GaYBOR will be like a second Saturday Night. All the clubs have huge parties planned. Here are just a few.
 July 4th Sunday
Underwater Glow Party with DJ Drew @ The Honey Pot 9PM
St Pete Pride Abounds
    With all the recent tragic occurrences in Orlando’s Pulse Night Club, St Pete Officials worked with the organizers of St Pete Pride to make sure there wasn’t a bit of trouble lurking. All measures were in place to make St. Pete Pride Parade and Festival another memorable event. In fact, the largest LGBT Pride event in Florida.
    Security measures that were seen and those that were blocks away were watching.
    The 14th Annual St Pete Grand Marshals included Carlton Fields Law Firm CEO Anastasia HiotisHot 101.5 Radio Show Personality Miguel Fuller and Lucas Aiden Wehle, the Youth & Trans Coordinator at Metro Wellness & Community Centers. This years Honorary Grand Marshal was Tampa’s U.S.House Rep Kathy Castor.
    But on the top Billboard of events was GAY PRIDE observances and festivities. Friends meeting friends, family get togethers, singular Proudness and Parade comradery with new friends & fun. Over 150 units partook in the St. Pete Parade’s fun and hot sun weather. Yes, GaYBOR District & TAMPA PRIDE’s float was in there!
    Tens of thousands were watching the St.Pete Night Parade along Central Avenue in the Grand central District, Tens of thousands returned for the St Pete Pride Expo on Sunday.
    The St Pete Pride Expo had vendors lined up on Central Ave from 22nd to 29th Street on Sunday.
Pride gift retailers,Organizations, Banks, Insurance Companies, large & small  Businesses, Talented entertainment and food vendors occupied the tented streets.
    Thanks for another great fun LGBT Pride event, St Pete Pride Volunteers & Staff!
Pope Francis: “Christians Need to Apologize to Gays…”
    On an in air ‘plane’ press conference returning back to the Vatican from Armenia on Sunday, Pope Francis stated that Christians need to apologize to gays and others that have been exploited by the church.
    This is a new direction for the Catholic church doctrine. Just 3 years ago 2013, Pope Francis who was asked by a reporter also on a plane press conference about gays within the church. His astounding historic remarks saying, “Who am I to judge Gay people?”
    On that same day in June 26, 1969 was the start of the gay revolution movement in America beginning at  the Stonewall Inn Bar with rioting in New York City.
Stonewall National Monument 1st United States Historic For Gay Rights
    President Barack Obama announced the 1st LGBT of the designation of the Stonewall National Monument last week in New York City. The historic landmark recognition will cover over 7 acres in the Greenwich Village area in Manhattan. This is a hard fought past chapter for equality of what the LGBT challenges were and still are in America today.
    We have enjoyed visiting NYC many times and always have visited the historic Landmark bar before its official designee. That is because it was always an Historic Gay Site!
    It was less than 2 weeks ago we lost 49 Brothers and Sisters murdered and another 53 injured in the tragic Pulse Night Club Massacre in Orlando.
    What a proud change in our country’s posturing of diversity and positive changes for all Americans.
    Happy Pride Month.
Miss Missouri is first Crowned As First Gay Winning Contestant
    What a day of new changes as during the state of Missouri competition for title of Miss Missouri, Erin O’ Flaherty was crowned title winner. Erin was the winner in this highly sought honor being from St Louis.
    Erin is the first openly Lesbian to win the state title and the first to go to the Miss America Pageant.
    Now onto Atlantic City for the Miss America Pageant.
New Hamburger Mary’s
What Every LGBT Person Should Read
From the Metro Wellness & Community Centers facebook page.