Los Dosos Motorcycle Club Brings Holiday Cheer

Los Dosos Motorcycle Club Brings Holiday Cheer
    Surprising events are always a fun surprise for any reporter or journalist. Sunday while I was noticing all the new changes occurring in Tampa Heights North Franklin Street area, I noticed a large crowd where the weekly area church organizers give out food to the areas homeless and unfortunate.
    There had to be 100’s of motorcycles and double number of people so I parked to see what was going on in the Tampa’s City’s  Phil Bourquardez Park on North Tampa Street next to Stetson Law School. I could see food being handed out. The colorful Hispanic group of volunteering cyclists all dressed in the same matching jackets were there to donate food, clothing, shoes, meals, drinks and had pick ups with generators running to provide electricity to a half dozen member barbers who were cutting and trimming homeless peoples hair for free. I talked with a couple of group leaders and was impressed of their diligent efforts to help their fellow human beings with Holiday Pride.
    Group members attending as far away as Orlando and Lakeland rode their motorcycles over to Tampa to help in this charity Holiday Tradition Sunday they told me. Soon area TV stations came upon the same story as I was witnessing to also do a positive story. A fraternity from University of Tampa brought 4 big boxed of donated food to help add in the heart felt event.
    With the large motorcycle group of all aged family members busily kindly working they had delivered food and clothing to a few hundred area homeless individuals this past Sunday saying simply , “We care brother!”