You Just Can Not make This Up

Every Halloween for many years Tom Barcia and Mark Cunningham would make EYE BALL Sandwiches and bring them to MC Film. We would all laugh as he passed them out to all the people. Their reactions were priceless.  Here is how they would make them. 1st go to the freezer department of your grocery store and pickup a big bag of frozen EYEBALLS……(which looked a lot like meat balls) then a big jar of BLOOD! (hum could be spaghetti sauce). Combine and put into a crock pot to heat up. To serve cut FINGARS in half  (hotdog buns) and fill with EYEBALLS!  Your laughing right now but you will all be trying this!!!   On a sad note Uncle Tom & Mark both passed away a couple years ago with  in a couple weeks of each other.  If you remember and miss the guys drop a note to Tom’s daughter Michelle at