You Can Not make this Up

One day Tea Cup was busy bartending. A upper middle age man walked in. Tea Cup said “Hello”& the guys said “Hi I’m Johns father. You do know who John is RIGHT?” Tea smiles & said “I know a lot of guys names John.” To this the father replies “Well he is a facebook friend of yours!”   Tea Smiles & said “OK, but I have over 4,000 friends on facebook. Can you narrow it down a little?” The guy replies in an anger voice. “You liked two of his photos. I’m sure you know who John is!!!” This just started to get creepy. Tea asked if he would like a drinks & like to see a menu. The guy order a ice tea and burger. Didn’t say anything more but keep ed looking very strangely at Tea. His bill came it was $16.00 and he left a $10 tip. On the receipt he wrote in Caps THANK YOU!!!! Was this a father who thought his son was Gay? Was Dad Gay and wanted to come out? Or Was he a starker of John? WTF Strange People.