Dishing with Mark & Carrie 1-7-15

“I DO” & ” I DO”!!!
    What most people gay or straight never thought would ever happen in our life times, did! Florida was # 36 state to have legalized Same Sex Marriage. It was more than exciting. It was the unthinkable. Tears came to so many just because. You live your whole life growing up and sharing your life with someone you love. Marriage to that special person was out of reach and illegal if you were GLBT!
    This morning in Tampa at the Hillsborough Clerk of the Circuit Court’s Office that changed! Progressive political thinker and Clerk of Circuit Courts Pat Frank led a procession across the street out to the Joe Chillura Courthouse Square Park across from the Hillsborough Courthouse. She dressed in her late husbands robe, Judge Richard Frank, then set out to hold an outside Same Sex wedding ceremony for about 40 Gay couples that applied for a marriage license Tuesday morning in Hillsborough County. This was the first day of issuing licenses after a recent decision from Federal Court judge Hinkle in Atlanta. This long awaited historic month long battle from Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was elating.
    A total of 159 licenses were issued to landmark historic day loving partners in Hillsborough County and in Pinellas 62 licenses were issued. Pat Frank also, under her authority, rescinded any 3 day delay in the marriage process.
    Court Clerks were working outside under the old Hillsborough County Courthouse dome that is in the park with an assortment of American, Human Rights  and Gay Pride Rainbow flags draped.
    So at 12:00 noon Tuesday, 36 GLBT couples were legally married in a hot Florida clear sky day in once a few weeks ago was a National  Black Listed GLBT county. Boy how things have certainly changed! And to the state’s betterment. Short & Sweet…Now we don’t have to go up north to get legally married!
    In the crowd of the 800 people participating and watching were Tampa City Council members Harry Cohen and Lisa Montelione. Prominent Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner & 10 year married partner, Gil Sainz greeted the newly wed couples after the historical ceremony. Mel & Jay from Flamingo Auto Group were also in the massive lineup of newly wed partners.
    Oh Yes, SHE Magazine editors were the un-official rice throwing participants. There were at least 100 smiling and interviewing local TV & newspaper media personnel all in and around the park and 2 lonely black hooded boo’d at side walk hecklers.
   Florida statewide Political Rights group, Equal Marriage Florida collected over 782,000 Same Sex petitions in the last  2 years to help tell the Florida Legislature the citizens of Florida meant Equality Marriage business. Some notables on the historic pioneering honorable Florida statewide Same Sex changing campaign include Co-Chairs… Mark Bias, Carrie West, Michael Wilson, Brian Betz, Vanessa Brito & Heather Gray. Also other Florida groups helping the GLBT cause included Equality Florida, ACLU and National Center for Lesbian Rights.
    What I really enjoyed seeing was all the friends, family members and some of the couples children engaged in this memorable legal sanctified outside occasion. Love is Love!!!
    Wow, Florida didn’t make the bottom of the National Marriage Equality list (#36) for this historic National Constitution change. Way to go and Congratulations everyone.