You Can Not make this Up.

In the early 2000’s we had our store at the Suncoast Resort. Mark was a bartender at “The Grand Central Station” on Central Ave in St. Pete. The owners of the club were very creative an fun!!!  One day…. one of the owner came in with a large bowl vase that he had just found at a junk store. He was sooo very excited about this. Then in an burst of excitement he proclaimed “This will make the world’s most perfect fish bowl!!” Off he went and purchased gravel and a gold fish. He put the fish bowl on the bar top and was so very proud of what he had created. Several hours later the same day in walks this drunken bartender from a different Gay bar. He was always very drunk and obnoxious. This night he was already over the top.  Finishing his beer he sidles it down the bar and hits the new fish bowl. Smashing it and water went everywhere. Of course he was tossed out of the club. Mad and out of control this guy stands in the middle of Central Ave….. whips out his dick and starts to take a pee!!! All the time scream “F U, Piss on you all!!  ##@&%$#!!” But wait that is not the strange part of this….About 5 years go by and we receive a phone call at our then new store in Ybor City. It was a bail bondsman calling. He said that our good friend was in jail for a DUI. He didn’t want to bother us so he has been there for 5 days. We asked him to repeat the name several times. Then the bondsman said he was the bartend at ____ in St. Pete. It was the same guy.  We politely said no thank you, all the time thinking in our head “Piss on You Too!!!”