You Can Not Make This Up.

    There are so many stories and tales about the old St Pete gay resort, SunCoast Resort that a lot have to be re-told. The Bear parties at the resort were always over the top. They sold out the resort from Bears from around the country. These guys sure knew how to party. There were drinking & eating contests and of course a lot of ‘Hey how are you’ greetings.’ Other contests like… how many bears would it take to overflow the huge pool! I think the record was 8 guys! The most bacon 1 could consume at 1 setting…24 pounds. Oh yeah we were there for that one at the resorts Flamingo Restaurant.
     At MC Film we always carried fun things for the bears from XL shirts to XXXL thongs.  At one party they invited us to the PRIVATE 3rd floor Bear Black Out Party. We had never been to one before but were told there would be great food & fun. It was about the time that bright fluorescent glow sticks & black light toys were just starting to get popular.
    We had flashing buttons on that said, “Party!!!”  There were two things they forgot to tell us. First, it was that Black Out meant there were no lights on. The second was that everybody was naked!!! There we walked in with our flashing button lights. Flash everybody was naked, Flash everything went black. I don’t know who was more surprised the Bears (who looked like deer in headlights) or us! Then a little voice came from the group of bears. It was a friend of ours. He said “Uncle Mark,  Uncle Carrie, toss that flasher out & join us.”
    We headed to the door at mach speeds! LOL LOL