You Can Not make this Up.

    The Homeless are People too.
When we opened our MC FILM store on Central Ave in St. Pete, there was a huge plywood sign on the building. We took it down and leaned it up against the building in the back alley side.   One day coming to work we noticed a homeless person was sleeping under the sign.  We didn’t say anything. After all he wasn’t hurting anything or bothering anybody. He actually was unofficially watching over and safeguarding our place at night. The area was in a very high crime zoned policed     area.
He was there for several weeks then we didn’t see him again. A couple months went by when a nice guy walked into our store. To our surprise he told us that he was the homeless guy that was sleeping under our sign. He went on to say that he knew we saw him and thanked us for not kicking him out. He had some problems and lost everything. He was actually working day labor and saved enough money to rent a room and start over. Then thanked us again & left. We never saw him again.