You Can Not Make This Up

North Tampa Show
About 5 years ago singer/ comedian Judy B. Goode was performing at Keith’s Lounge on Nebraska Ave in North Tampa. Located about 10 miles north of GaYBOR. Tea Cup got all dressed up to go and see her. Red Sequin jacket, wild shirt & fabulous shoes, glasses, hat & of course the Tea Cup in hand. Nephew Mathieu took one look and said “Uncle Mark you are not allowed to go north of Hillsborough Ave with out a guard in that outfit!”
So Carrie drove and Tea Cup & Mathieu were chauffeured off to the show. When we arrived at Keith’s there was a very HOT happy dancer from Gainesville performing too. Mathieu, being the youngest person in the room by 20 years & the grinning dancer hit it off right away. At 10 PM the show was over & the dancer was getting off too. All three of us cordially invited the striking southern draw smiling young dancer to meet us at G.BAR back in GaYBOR. The dancer actually said, “Do you think there will be anybody there on a Saturday night at 11PM?”
He had never been to GaYBOR before. He did come to G.BAR that night. Actually he had sooooo much fun that he performed many more times in GaYBOR. Then he moved to live in GaYBOR and today is a bartender at Bradley’s on 7th. His name (and a Mark & Carrie nephew) is Bradford