UT Green Fest

The springtime green thumb gardeners event with spectacular plants was at University of Tampa for the 2 day Green Fest hosted by the Friends of the Plant Park. The botanical event had a full array of plants including orchids, bromeliads, bamboo, organic fertilizers, back yard crafts, fountains, home grown vegetable garden plants and fruit trees. All along the enchanting cityscape of downtown Tampa and the Hillsborough River. Whoa, so much to take in!!!! I did see what some of our friends were going to be adding to their yards this spring. The plants inside the little red wagons gave it away. Wes Miller and his wife were taking in the garden classes and workshops from the Univ of Florida Agricultural Center tent. Wes teaches classes on victory gardens and box container urban apt gardening.
Great topics gave insight to indoor plants, herb gardening, rain barreling the wet season in Tampa. In whole a great education by over 20 recognized landscape design professional, Florida county extension workers and local nursery owners.