You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up!!! 5-16-2012

The names have been changed to protect the innocent!!! LOL LOL
“Tea Cup & The Police”
    For many years there have been some burning ears and edgy stories that we thought were not appropriate and  have not reported on them. After reading Infamous Todd’s last tell all book we have decided to tell a couple of these FICTIONAL (well, maybe) accounts.
    All stories told are FICTION, are not true and do not represent anybody. “Wink Wink” Let’s start with a fictional story about us. Everybody knows Tea Cup. Whenever anyone asks “What’s in the Tea Cup?” Tea Cups says “Ice Water Officer,” then laughs & says “someday an officer will ask that & I’ll be ready.” On a recent late after clubbing Friday night Mark & Carrie were walking to their car in the G.BAR parking lot. A Tampa Police officer on a big horse trotted  up to Tea Cup and said, “Excuse me guys can I ask you a question?” Tea Cup immediately said, “Ice Water  Officer!” The officer looked perplexed and said, “No I want to ask you guys a question.” Once again alerted bulging eyes Tea Cup said “Ice Water Officer!” The officer turned to Carrie and said, “Tell Mark to be quiet I really want to ask you a question.” Carrie said, ‘Mark, shut up! What’s the question.” The officer sitting on his big police horse said, ” My partner & me are getting married. Do you have double groom wedding cake toppers in your store?”  The answer was YES. Then we all had a good laugh….  You just can’t make this sh*t up!!!!